Open Access Numerical simulation and experimentation of endodontic file using Taguchi DoE 32 Pravin R. Lokhande, Sachin S. Salunkhe 和 Sethuraman Balaguru 网上发表: 2021年11月17日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (1.367 MB)ePUB (2.759 MB)参考文献
Open Access Optimization of friction STIR welded AA6061 + SiCp metal matrix composite to increase joint tensile strength and reduce defects 28 N. Dilip Raja 和 R. Naren Shankar 网上发表: 2021年10月29日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.314 MB)ePUB (2.379 MB)参考文献
Open Access Theoretical approaches for determining machining conditions affecting a machined surface topography in filleted end milling 27 Tsutomu Sekine 网上发表: 2021年10月29日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (1.415 MB)ePUB (3.221 MB)参考文献
Open Access Modelling and analysis of cutting forces while micro end milling of Ti-alloy using finite element method 26 Narendra Bhople, Sachin Mastud 和 Satish Satpal 网上发表: 2021年10月29日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (4.784 MB)ePUB (3.411 MB)参考文献
Open Access Optimization of milling speed and time in mechanical alloying of ferritic ODS steel through taguchi technique 25 Ganesan Dharmalingam, Murali Arun Prasad 和 Sachin Salunkhe 网上发表: 2021年10月29日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (4.182 MB)ePUB (2.668 MB)参考文献
Open Access Simulation and experimental approach for optimal path planning of UAV using A* and MEA* algorithms 24 Balasubramanian Esakki, Gayatri Marreddy, M. Sai Ganesh 和 E. Elangovan 网上发表: 2021年10月27日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (3.920 MB)ePUB (2.756 MB)参考文献
Open Access Optimization of UAV structure and evaluation of vibrational and fatigue characteristics through simulation studies 17 Ashraf Mahmud Rayed, Balasubramanian Esakki, Arunkumar Ponnambalam, Sajal Chandra Banik 和 Karim Aly 网上发表: 2021年8月26日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.051 MB)ePUB (3.630 MB)参考文献
Open Access Investigating the influential factors of ejective time and compressible force magnitude to fluid jet movement 13 Van Quang Nguyen, Van Thien Nguyen 和 Tien Dung Hoang 网上发表: 2021年8月18日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (3.272 MB)ePUB (3.791 MB)参考文献
Open Access Binary goal programming model for optimizing tire selection using branch and bound algorithm 8 Shady Aly 网上发表: 2021年6月24日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (784.0 KB)ePUB (1.841 MB)参考文献
Open Access Optimization parameters effects on electrical conductivity of 3D printed circuits fabricated by direct ink writing method using functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes and polyvinyl alcohol conductive ink 7 Syed Riyaz Ahammed 和 Ayyappan Susila Praveen 网上发表: 2021年6月22日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (1.878 MB)ePUB (2.875 MB)参考文献
Open Access Optimization of strip-layout using graph-theoretic methodology for stamping operations on progressive die: a case study 5 Shady Aly, Hend Abdelaaty, Osama Muneer Dawood 和 Hussein M. A. Hussein 网上发表: 2021年6月10日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (979.7 KB)ePUB (2.721 MB)参考文献
Open Access Ant colony optimization with semi random initialization for nurse rostering problem 31 Said Achmad, Antoni Wibowo 和 Diana Diana 网上发表: 2021年11月09日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (1.117 MB)ePUB (1.753 MB)参考文献
Open Access Experimental investigations and finite element analysis of milling of Inconel 718 alloy 21 Akhil C. Kuriakose, Raman Balakrishnan, Harsh Vardhan 和 Krishnaraju Srinivasaraju Vijay Sekar 网上发表: 2021年9月21日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (4.675 MB)ePUB (8.552 MB)参考文献
Open Access Free vibration and inherent material damping characteristics of boron-FRP plate: influence of non-uniform uniaxial edge loads 18 Vijay Gunasekaran, Jeyaraj Pitchaimani 和 Lenin Babu Mailan Chinnapandi 网上发表: 2021年8月26日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (1.704 MB)ePUB (2.093 MB)参考文献
Open Access Finite element analysis of Ti6Al4V porous structures for low-stiff hip implant application 12 Porika Rakesh 和 Bidyut Pal 网上发表: 2021年8月13日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.202 MB)ePUB (4.086 MB)参考文献
Open Access 2D linear finite element simulation of laser metal heating for digital twins 11 Diego Montoya-Zapata, Juan M. Rodríguez, Aitor Moreno, Jorge Posada 和 Oscar Ruiz-Salguero 网上发表: 2021年7月22日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (3.319 MB)ePUB (4.446 MB)参考文献
Open Access Design and simulation of multilayer hybrid foam material for acoustic application 10 L. Yuvaraj, S. Jeyanthi, Lenin Babu Mailan Chinnapandi 和 Elammaran Jayamani 网上发表: 2021年7月22日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.066 MB)ePUB (3.110 MB)参考文献
Open Access Computational investigations on port injected DEE in a biogas inducted HCCI engine 9 Karthick Jairam, Feroskhan Mohammed Musthafa, Kishorre Annanth Vijayan 和 Manimaran Renganathan 网上发表: 2021年7月20日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (1.683 MB)ePUB (2.308 MB)参考文献
Open Access R-tree data structure implementation for Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools 6 Vaibhav Shelar, Selamani Subramani 和 Jebaseelan Davidson 网上发表: 2021年6月18日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.103 MB)ePUB (2.945 MB)参考文献
Open Access Study of fluid flow inside closed cavities using computational numerical methods 4 Mariya Helen Mercy JK 和 Prabhakar V 网上发表: 2021年6月04日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (3.463 MB)ePUB (3.886 MB)参考文献
Open Access Stage reduced counter-rotating axial compressor for jet engine 3 F. Ferdaus, Nitish Kumar, G. Sakthivel 和 N. Raghukiran 网上发表: 2021年5月28日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (3.708 MB)ePUB (3.155 MB)参考文献
Open Access Impact of cutting parameters on machining of Ti-6Al-4V alloy: an experimental and FEM approach 2 Kathirvel Gobivel, Krishnaraju Srinivasaraju Vijaysekar 和 Gopalakrishnan Prabhakaran 网上发表: 2021年5月12日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.288 MB)ePUB (1.989 MB)参考文献
Open Access CFD modelling of airborne virus diffusion characteristics in a negative pressure room with mixed mode ventilation 1 Chakka Anuraghava, Koppaka Abhiram, Vengalathur Naveen Sai Reddy 和 Harish Rajan 网上发表: 2021年5月05日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.409 MB)ePUB (3.059 MB)参考文献
Open Access Experimental analysis and optimization of mechanical properties of FDM-processed polylactic acid using Taguchi design of experiment 30 Mohamed Abouelmajd, Ahmed Bahlaoui, Ismail Arroub, Maria Zemzami, Nabil Hmina, Manuel Lagache 和 Soufiane Belhouideg 网上发表: 2021年11月09日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (3.531 MB)ePUB (4.863 MB)参考文献
Open Access Computer graphics and visual computing use cases for Industry 4.0 and Operator 4.0 29 Jorge Posada, Iñigo Barandiaran, Jairo R. Sánchez, Daniel Mejia-Parra, Aitor Moreno, Marco Ojer 和 Oscar Ruiz-Salguero 网上发表: 2021年10月29日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (1.838 MB)ePUB (2.519 MB)参考文献
Open Access Development of an advanced MES for the simulation and optimization of industry 4.0 process 23 Khaled Benfriha, Chawki El-Zant, Quentin Charrier, Abdel-Hakim Bouzid, Peter Wardle, Idir Belaidi, Stéphane Loubère, Nooshin Ghodsian 和 Améziane Aoussat 网上发表: 2021年10月15日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.801 MB)ePUB (4.222 MB)参考文献
Open Access Numerical study of new techniques drag reduction: application to aerodynamic devices 16 Amine Agriss, Mohamed Agouzoul, Abdeslem Ettaouil 和 Abdessamad Mehdari 网上发表: 2021年8月26日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.268 MB)ePUB (2.922 MB)参考文献
Open Access A novel graphene pressure sensor with zig–zag shaped piezoresistors for maximum strain coverage for enhancing the sensitivity of the pressure sensor 14 Meetu Nag, Ajay Kumar 和 Bhanu Pratap 网上发表: 2021年8月24日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (693.9 KB)ePUB (1.216 MB)参考文献
Open Access Incorporating simulated annealing algorithm in the Weibull distribution for valuation of investment return of Malaysian property development sector 22 Hamza Abubakar 和 Shamsul Rijal Muhammad Sabri 网上发表: 2021年10月15日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (856.5 KB)ePUB (1.685 MB)参考文献
Open Access Design and analysis of elevator wire ropes 20 Anil Babu Seelam, Mohammad Saif Jawed 和 Sachidananda Hassan Krishanmurthy 网上发表: 2021年9月20日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (7.299 MB)ePUB (2.406 MB)参考文献
Open Access Design and analysis of disc brake system in high speed vehicles 19 Anil Babu Seelam, Nabil Ahmed Zakir Hussain 和 Sachidananda Hassan Krishanmurthy 网上发表: 2021年8月27日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (2.168 MB)ePUB (2.475 MB)参考文献
Open Access Effect of lamination schemes on natural frequency and modal damping of fiber reinforced laminated beam using Ritz method 15 Somi Naidu Balireddy, Pitchaimani Jeyaraj, Lenin Babu Mailan Chinnapandi 和 Ch V.S.N. Reddi 网上发表: 2021年8月24日 DOI: 摘要Full HTMLPDF (312.9 KB)ePUB (905.5 KB)参考文献