Issue |
Int. J. Simul. Multidisci. Des. Optim.
Volume 15, 2024
Article Number | 21 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 October 2024 |
Research Article
Hierarchical data synchronous interaction in nonlinear complex systems
Beijing China-Power Information Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100192, China
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Nonlinear complex systems are widely used in various industries, and the complexity and dynamism of the systems pose enormous challenges to data synchronization and interaction. This study proposes a method based on signal synchronization for data synchronization and interaction in nonlinear complex systems. The synchronization interaction path of data was analyzed, and signals were used as the carrier for data synchronization. The data synchronization interaction was carried out by combining the main synchronization signal and the auxiliary synchronization signal. Furthermore, mean filtering was introduced for signal filtering, and the main synchronization process was divided into two parts: coarse and fine tuning. The experimental results showed that the main synchronization frequency deviation of the research method was 303 Hz when the main synchronization completion rate was 100% in a −15 dB signal-to-noise ratio environment. In the analysis of data synchronization success rate, the research method achieved a highest success rate of 99.7% when the data transmission density was 50 pieces per minute. The experiment shows that the research method can effectively improve the quality and efficiency of data synchronization and interaction in nonlinear complex systems.
Key words: Nonlinear complex systems / data synchronization / signal synchronization / mean filtering / frequency offset
© L. Yuan et al., Published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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