Open Access
Table 3
Description of the used PSO parameters.
PSO parameters | NPM model | MPM model | SPM model |
Swarm size | 30 | 30 | 30 |
Number of iterations | 50–80 | 50–80 | 50–80 |
Acceleration Constants | C1 = 1.25, C2 = 2.25, C3 = 2.25 | C1 = 1.25, C2 = 2.25, C3 = 0 | C1 = 1.25, C2 = 0, C3 = 2.25 |
Communication topology | Ring | Fully connected | Ring |
Inertia weight | Linearly decreasing (0.4 − 0.2) |
Linearly decreasing (0.4 − 0.2) |
Linearly decreasing (0.4 − 0.2) |
Number of used threads | Depends on the objective function | Depends on the number of sub-spaces | Depends on the number of created neighborhoods |
Stopping criteria | - The maximum number of iterations - The maximum number of iterations without improvement of Gbest |
- The maximum number of iterations - The maximum number of iterations without improvement of Gbest |
-A precision relative to the radius - A precision relative to the distance of Gbest - The maximum number of iterations without improvement of Gbest |
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