IJSMDO under evaluation for impact factor
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- Published on 24 June 2009
The International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization that is affiliated to the ASMDO association is actually under Thomson evaluation for the impact factor, please do not hesitate to refer your work or contributions published by the journal (
ASMDO 2007, 2008 Awards
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- Published on 20 February 2009
ASMDO 2008 Awards:
For Young Researcher to :
- Alvaro Noriega, for the following article: "A new evolution strategy for the unconstrained optimization problem", Spain
- Jüri Majak, for the following article: "Optimal material orientation of linear and non-linear elastic 3D anisotropic materials", Estonia
For Excellent Paper award to:
- Ahmad Alhajahmad, for the following article: "Optimal design of tow-placed fuselage panels with cutouts for maximum strength and buckling performance", The Netherlands
- Ignacio Payá-Zaforteza, for the following article: "On the statistical estimation of the minimum cost of reinforced concrete building frames designed by heuristic optimization", Spain
This award is evidence of your efforts in the ASMDO mentioned research. The committees of the ASMDO conference confer the award in recognition of your technical excellence in the area of optimization.
ASMDO 2007 Awards:
For Excellent Paper award to:
- F. Fantani, L.k. Balachandran & M.D. Guenov, for the following article "Computational System For Multi Disciplinary Optimization At Conceptual Design Stage", UK
- Shinya Honda & Yoshihiro Narita for the following article "Minimum Weight Design for Vibration of Laminate Plates Using Lamination Parameters" - Japan
New platform (1.7 version)
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- Published on 10 February 2009
EDP Sciences has the pleasure to inform you of the new 1.7 version of this platform.
This version offers a new graphic design, and a more user-friendly introduction page to the articles.
In particular, the tools at the
disposal of the reader (recommend this article, search by authors, article citing
this article,...) are placed on the right of the abstract, which make them
more visible and which allow us to include new functionalities:
- the reader is informed when the article is cited ("citation alert") and/or when an erratum is published ("correction alert");
- links to social bookmarking sites are added (Bibsonomy, CiteULike, Connotea,, Digg and Facebook);
- the use of the tool "dowload citation" is extended to EndNote and Reference Manager;
- the Open URL is implemented for abstracts.
Register for free e-mail alert
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- Published on 09 December 2008
To register for our free e-mail alert service, create your EDPS account and follow the link e-mail Alerts.
RSS feed available
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- Published on 14 October 2008
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a XML-based format dedicated to website syndication. RSS allows readers to get new titles delivered directly to their desktops, using either the Internet browser or a RSS Reader.
EDP Sciences now provides RSS feeds of the latest articles published online by journal, including title, authors and links to relevant abstract and full-text version.
About International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization RSS feed
Forthcoming special issue on Composites and Aircraft Materials - Editorial
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- Published on 22 February 2008
The International Symposium on composites and aircraft materials (ACMA
2007, may 22-24- Agadir - Morroco) is the incubator for the emergence of
the field composites metals and polymers. Complementary techniques and
application of structures and materials will be discussed with NDE. This
event will be developed one of the important events discussing the
monitoring of structural integrity and adaptive/intelligent structures.
This symposium offers new avenues for collaboration and interaction
opportunities to bring more advances and address greater challenges that
lie ahead. Such challenges include areas of aeronautical safety, and
benefiting from other exciting fields of aeronautics, composites, metals,
polymers and others.
When in service, aeronautical structures are subjected to requests which
fluctuating over the course of time. Let us quote for example
pressurization of the fuselage, pilot operations, and atmospheric
turbulence… Experiments show that the repetition of cycles of effort
modify and degrade the properties of materials and can lead, in the long
term, to the rupture of certain parts. This phenomenon is usually called
"fatigue" or "damage by fatigue". It can appear in relatively low levels
of constraint and lower than the elastic limit of the material. In the
aeronautical field, fatigue occurs in general without overall plastic
deformation but with very localised plastic deformation around the
accidents of form (notch, boring, fillets...) the phenomenon of fatigue
must be taken into account in structural design.
The difficult issue that aircraft manufacturers must deal with is that of
the necessary compromise between the economic requirements (highest
possible lifespan, lowest possible structural mass), the technical
requirements (availability and intrinsic performances of materials,
technology, implementation, drawing, etc.) and the legal requirements
(behaviour of a structure under extreme loads, maintenance of
navigability...). The choice of good materials has a very particular
importance. For a long time it was believed that that it was necessary,
above all, to seek materials with a resistance to the highest possible
deformation. Then, gradually, materials presenting a better compromise
between resistance and tenacity or more generally ductility are being
sought. In addition, oversizing is not a good solution. Thus, light alloys
are frequently being used in aircraft structure.
The conference will bring together emerging technologies and advanced
research in instrumentation, sensing, and measurement science with
progressive management and diagnostic approaches and composite materials
behaviour. Engineers and researchers from government, military, academia
and the commercial sector will discuss the current status and future
directions of structures and materials, NDE, and health monitoring. Case
studies, emerging research agendas, and innovative new technologies will
be presented.
This meeting is a showcase for multidisciplinary research and provides an
excellent opportunity to explore new research areas by teaming with new
partners from fields other than your own. A selection of communications
constitutes this special issue.
The Guest Editors: M. Karama, A. El Hami, A. Menou, A. Mouden
IJSMDO launchs the pay-per-view option
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- Published on 13 December 2007
International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization has great pleasure to inform you of a new service. The articles in PDF format are now available using the pay-per-view option. This option, proposed to non-subscribers, appears when you wish to read an article. Once you have bought the article using the pay-per-view option, you can access and download the article in PDF format during a 48-hour period.
Payment shall be made online, by credit card (secured payment).
The price is 16,72 € without VAT per article (VAT: 19.6%).
Launching of IJSMDO - Message from the editors
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- Published on 11 June 2007
Dear Colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce the launching of our new journal International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (IJSMDO). We would like to invite you to submit manuscripts of your original work. All submissions should be made electronically to one of the editors-in-chief through by E-mail. More information of the journal, and the publishing process can be obtained at:
The International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization is an international journal for the rapid publication of experimental and theoretical investigations related to Simulation and Multidisciplinary Optimization in all sciences and their applications. Its scope encompasses a lot of research aspects, including theoretical approaches, contemporary computers and their applications to different fields such as engineering software/hardware developments, computing techniques, aerospace, automobile, aeronautic, business, management, manufacturing….etc. Journal cover areas are not limited to the above one. The IJSMDO Journal is planned with two issues a year. Please visit journal home page for more information about Instructions for authors, submission procedure etc. We shall be glad to receive your technical contributions at your earliest convenience. Please publicize this new journal amongst your colleagues for possible contribution and subscriptions.
With Best Regards,
- Co-Editors: D.H. Bassir, J.L. ZapicoValle, and W.H. Zhang
- Publishing Manangers: D. Chamoret, S. Guessasma, P. Ravache.