Open Access
Table 1
Difference of two models.
Spalart-Allmaras model | k-ω model |
It is a single-equation model to measure turbulent viscosity. | It is a two-equation model to measure turbulent viscosity. |
This model is mostly effective in low-Reynolds number. | This model is used in low-Reynold's number, but when it is placed with SST k-ω model; its range varies from low to high-Reynolds number. |
y+ calculation near the wall is requisite in this model. | y+ calculation near the wall is requisite in this model. |
It measures the turbulent flow near the wall boundaries. | It also measures the turbulent flow near the wall boundaries. |
It is widely used for aerospace and turbomachinery application. | It is suitable for highly non-linear or severe flow gradient change. |
It solves kinematic eddy turbulent viscosity. | It solves the turbulence kinetic energy (k) and specific rate of dissipation (ω). |
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